Some useful Amp Tags

Hello and welcome back to another blog. This post is only for AMP Blogspot users. If you wish to make all the pages amp approved. Must use these codes in your blog. You may find it difficult to use at the beginning. Believe me, if you have an AMP blog you will get more visitors and your blogger can be useful to generate more revenue.

You will see following coades below

#Featured very first image or thumbline
#No follow image opens in new tab
#Do follow image opens in new tab
#Link in same page without do nor no follow
#image with link and title
#youbue Video Amp Embedd
#AMP Image Code

#Featured very first image or thumbline
<noscript><img alt="any thing"  src="image.jpg"></noscript><br />

#Text align
<div align="justify">
</div><br />

#No follow image opens in new tab
<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="What is it?">Text Should apear as amp</a><br />  

#Do follow image opens in new tab
<a href="" rel="dofollow" target="_blank" title="What is it?">Text Should apear as amp</a><br /> 

 #Link in same page without do nor no follow
<a href="" title="What is it?">Text Should apear as amp</a><br /><br /> 

#image with link and title
<a href="" title="What dose this image is about"><amp-img alt="Alt text" height="560" id="cardImage" layout="responsive" src="https://image.jpg" width="1054"></amp-img></a> <br /> 

#youbue Video Amp Embedd
<amp-youtube data-videoid="VIDEOID NEEDS TO BEHERE" height="270" layout="responsive" width="480"></amp-youtube><br />

 #amp Image Code
<a href="" title="Anchor text"><amp-img alt="Alt text" height="560" layout="responsive" src="Image.jpg" width="1054"></amp-img></a> <br />  

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