Top 33 Free DNS | Solution to Dynamic IP

Hello and welcome back to another blog. Today I will provide you Top 33 Free DNS Solution to Dynamic IP. DNS is known as The Domain Name System is the phonebook of Internet connectivity. Humans access information online through domain names. IP is the medium for the through which web browser communicates with DNS, it translates domain names to Internet Protocole addresses so browsers can load resources inside the fully qualified domain.

How DNS works? When we talk about a browser every time DNS falls in.
The user enters the website name in the browser URL bar, the browser checks the device memory to see if the relevant IP address is stored in the system or not.

There can be two kind situations for the browser after the user enters a website address. The first browser will find the IP address concern to a similar website that has already been entered in the same browser or it can be a new website user that has never been visited.
If it was already entered browser will get the IP address from the cache memory or if it's a newly entered website browser fails to get the IP details of the website. If the browser found the IP the DNS communicates with the browser and provides exactly the same IP address of the domain name back to the browser. If the browser fails to get the IP address or new website entered by the user (local cache would have to collect the details) the browser reaches out to the DNS server and checks for the domain name.

Once the IP address found, the computer, the browser finds the website on the internet. The browser then communicates with the domain name being hosted to request the associated index. The host server returns the files that display in the user’s web browser.

If the domain name is not found, the DNS server returns error 404 (webpage not found).

Here is the list in front of you. Some are 100% free and some of them have free trial features. There are several ways to use them free for a lifetime. These are the Solution to Dynamic IP.

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